A second chance to marry my first love
Mike and Sandi Piotrowski divorced after 17 years because of an affair, but an unlikely change of heart reunited their family
My ex-wife, Sandi, was the one that wanted to come talk to me. I give God all the credit for her having the courage to reach out.
We had been married for 17 years and had two children, but we were divorced since 2008.
Sandi and our two boys were invited to NewSpring by one of Sandi’s friends. She started attending in July 2013 and had given her life to Jesus at NewSpring.
Then, at a service in August 2014, Sandi responded to the worship song, “You Make Me Brave,” and that gave her the courage to say, “We need to talk.”
She wanted to know if her and I had a chance at a second chance? I was dumbfounded because I always wanted that.

God is a healing God, and it doesn't matter how broken down you may think you are
Broken Trust
Before our divorce we were growing apart. It seemed like there was never her and I time. Anything we did, we were with other people, or it was always something with the kids.
There was a lack of communication, especially from me, and intimacy was next to nil. We grew apart, and I kind of assumed she would figure it out. I wasn’t one to speak my mind.
That’s when I strayed from my marriage to be with another woman. We were co-workers. We exchanged phone calls and text messages. We had lunches.
This person listened to me and wanted to find out about my day. It all led to an emotional affair.
In May 2007, I told Sandi I felt there was no more "us," and I was moving out. It wasn’t even a month after we separated, I knew it was wrong. I thought, “I know Sandi won’t talk to me about this.”
I got married to my second wife, and it ended in divorce after a year. Sandi remarried and divorced, too.

My new faith gave me a greater sense of belief that reconciliation was possible.
A Change of Heart
We had both wanted to reconcile all those years but just assumed the other person did not.
After Sandi and I talked, my children asked me to go to church with them again, and I did.
I felt God tugging at my heart when the invitation came up to ask Jesus into my life but chickened out. But the following Sunday, Aug. 24, 2014, I gave my life to Jesus! I was so lost and had done some seriously foolish things, but I felt that all lifted when I surrendered it all to Christ!
My new faith gave me a greater sense of belief that reconciliation was possible. I told Sandi, “I really think God made me feel the emotional pain that you and the boys felt.” I told her I wanted everything to be back to what it was — but better.

We have been given a second chance all because of the healing of God.
A Family Reunited
I felt like I had a second chance, and I thought there was no way I was going to screw it up. There was like a courtship again, and we started dating.
I told myself if it didn’t work out with Sandi and I, there would be no woman in my life. In a relationship with Jesus was where I needed to be.
We reconciled, and our family is together again thanks to God's grace. After seven years apart, we were remarried in 2015 on our original anniversary date of Sept. 15. Our relationship is awesome.
It has been an amazing journey of faith and forgiveness. If it weren't for my family going to NewSpring and getting me to go, then I don't feel we would be where we are today.
God is a healing God, and it doesn't matter how broken down you may think you are, He is there not only to pick you up but to carry you through. We are a work in progress and have been given a second chance all because of the healing of God.