Baptism started something new in me
Lynn Laag didn’t know how much her faith would change when she set aside religious tradition and was baptized by immersion
We were “all in” until we got to the part about baptism.
My son invited me and my husband, Kyle, to attend NewSpring Columbia for Christmas 2013, and I was in awe. The enthusiasm, the outpouring of love that I felt, was totally exciting. I was able to relate to the message on a level I could understand it — in layman’s terms and not philosophical.
I grew up Presbyterian and then attended a Lutheran church for 25 years, and I know you can go to church and not be paying attention. In the services, I was always focused on something else — on what I was going to do that evening.
But after attending several services at NewSpring, we never looked back.
My life changed in ways I never thought were possible.

Crushed and Defeated
I wanted to take my next step and get involved, but we were told we would have to be baptized again by immersion.
My husband and I were baptized at birth by sprinkling, and we were told that our baptism, in so many words, was not valid. We left there feeling crushed and defeated. I was angry. You mean my baptism didn’t count? It didn’t mean anything?
I went back and forth with the staff, making them show me Scriptures. Eventually, I realized my infant baptism was a dedication and not an actual baptism. I understood the importance of making that decision believing in what I was doing — that it had to be my choice to proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior.
It was so powerful to me that I got baptized. From that day forward I was on fire for Jesus, and my life changed in ways I never thought were possible.
It’s like starting my life again and fully dedicating it to Jesus.
Bolder Faith
I accepted Christ during the eighth grade at a church youth retreat, but it wasn’t until NewSpring I began to grow more personally.
In the past, my prayer time would be hit or miss, not necessarily understanding why God did not grant what I was praying for. Now I understand it’s not necessarily what you want in your timing, but what He has for you and what He wants in His timing.
When I was asked to lead a small group, I thought, “Are you serious? You have got to be kidding me!” But after lots of prayers and tremendous amount of staff encouragement, I said, “yes,” and leading a small group has prompted me to dig further.
Every day I am eager to learn more, do more, and serve.

Helping Others Take A Next Step
I’ve seen Jesus grow our family closer together — communicating with each other, respecting and cherishing those relationships. We’ve been married for 26 years, but our marriage has gone to another level since NewSpring.
In a twist, I’m now serving on the baptism team. I struggled so hard in the beginning trusting God on this that I had to be part of this team, because it holds a special place in my heart. It brings me to tears every time getting to celebrate and love on those taking the same next step that will forever change lives.
Every day I am eager to learn more, do more, serve more — whatever I could find to grab hold and be a part of what God is doing. I had never experienced that. It’s like starting my life again and fully dedicating it to Jesus.
Like people say, "If you aren't dead, Jesus is not done."
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