Session 7
Where to find joy
From 1 John: A 7-Day Devotional
When was the last time you sat back, looked around, and realized you were grateful for your life?

We experience joy when we’re connected to something deeper than surface-level emotions and the positive or negative events in our lives.
Joy is an internal contentment regardless of external circumstances.
We lose out on joy when we’re separated from God’s love and separated from others. That separation is called sin.
Our relationships are restored when we don’t hide our sins, but bring them to Jesus and ask for forgiveness. Because of what He’s done to show His — dying on the cross and coming back to life — we’re no longer stuck dealing with our sins alone.
This is some of the best news in the entire Bible: Our purity is possible because of God’s forgiveness (1 John 1:9).
Jesus doesn’t ridicule us or shame us; He welcomes us and exchanges our sins for His joy.
Joy comes from connection with God and with others. When Jesus removes the barrier of sin, we can experience true joy.
- What’s one way you’ve experienced joy in your relationships with God and with others?
- What’s one thing keeping you from having complete joy in God and with others?
- What is one step you need to take today to move away from sin and towards joy?