Everything you need to make the most of Christmas at NewSpring
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Life in a pandemic means everything looks different, including Christmas.
Some of us will celebrate far from those we love. Some of us will be wondering how to stretch the budget after months out of work. And some of us will second guess whether this is the best year to invite someone to church.
Whatever doubts and fears you’re facing this Christmas, you’re not alone. The tools below have the encouragement and practical help you need to make this year a Christmas to remember.
Tools to Invite Your Friends
Save these images and use them to invite your friends to Christmas at NewSpring!

Sharing your faith doesn’t have to be complicated. Get some quick tips and encouragement from David Hall, Spartanburg Campus pastor and associate lead pastor.

Tools to Help You Through Hardship
You don’t have to spend a lot to show you care (article)
Most people don’t have the budget for expensive Christmas gifts this year. Show someone you care without feeling the pressure to buy a gaming console or smartwatch.
Feeling down? How to make it when the days aren’t merry or bright (article)
The holidays can be hard for believers and non-believers alike. Depression doesn’t discriminate, and there’s hope for all of us.
Hanging on through the holidays when you’ve lost someone you love (article)
Christmas music, the smell of gingerbread, shimmering lights. When someone is missing, the things that stir up holiday memories can lead to tears rather than cheers.
Three promises for those spending Christmas alone (article)
Separated from the ones you love this Christmas? God has promises for you.
Tools to Help You Worship
Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without Christmas music. NewSpring Worship collected its favorite festive songs in a playlist. Get it now on Spotify or Apple Music.
(Staying home and hosting Christmas for the first time? Check out NewSpring Worship’s dinner party playlists on Spotify or Apple Music.)
Tools to Help You Learn More About Advent
Join your no ordinary family in reading this Advent devotional from Dec. 1 to Dec. 25. Text READ MY BIBLE to 30303 to get devotionals via text each morning. (Or, download a printable version here.)
New to this whole Advent thing? Check out this toolkit with books, group studies, and more to help you celebrate Advent with your family.